How to take care of eyelashes to make them strong, healthy and beautiful? Useful tips and cosmetics

If you want to look good and do a professional eye make-up, then first you should look after your eyelashes. What to do to improve their condition and appearance? Learn a few effective methods and see how to take proper care of your lashes.

How to take care of eyelashes?

For daily care you will need: castor oil, cotton bud or a comb, petroleum jelly. How to use them? The cotton bud or the comb soak in castor oil, then brush the lashes and go to sleep. Castor oil is the most popular method of eyelash care that also enhances their growth due to the addition of Vitamins A and E. They moisturise, thicken and strengthen the hairs and the skin around.

With petroleum jelly you can obtain the same effect. All you need to do is apply it to eyelashes and/or eyelids. It’s important to comb the excess product so that there are no white marks on eyelashes as it may hinder vision. Petroleum jelly makes them thick, elastic, shiny and hydrated.

What is worth knowing about eyelash care? Do not rub your eyes hard when something falls into your eye. Treat your lashes well also during make-up removal. Do it gently by pressing a cotton pad to the eyelid. Try to avoid using eyeliners and untested mascaras, because they can dry the skin and eyelashes. Use eyelash serums with natural ingredients.

In addition to castor oil and petroleum jelly, you can use olive oil. Soak the cotton bud in the oil and apply to your lashes. Close your eyes and wait until olive oil is absorbed. Clean your eyes with warm water or leave it overnight as a treatment or a mask.

How to apply mascara and which cosmetic to choose?

If you have already taken proper care of the condition of your eyelashes, now it’s time to choose the right mascara. It is important to choose the right type of the product: lengthening, thickening, curling or other, depending on what type of effect you would like to achieve. The technique of application is of importance as well. Too thick a layer of mascara may stick the eyelashes together, weaken them and give an artificial effect. When choosing a mascara, take the brush and consistency into account. If you have thick and long lashes, a delicate brush and a light formula will work best. For shorter and thinner lashes use a thick wand with a dense formula.

An interesting idea is the use of a conditioning mascara with nutritional ingredients and gentle make-up removers. If you dream of curled lashes, you can use an eyelash curler before applying mascara. Remember to do it gently and carefully, because extensive use causes deterioration of the condition of eyelashes and further to eyelash loss.

What colour of mascara should you choose? Basically, it depends on the colour of your iris, hair, skin and eyebrows. Thus, blondes with light skin and blue eyes can use blue, graphite or brown mascara. Green, blue or dark brown will match brown-haired women with peach colour of the face. Redheads with fair complexion and light or hazel eyes should use dark brown, black or dark green mascara. Mascaras in navy blue, graphite and black colour will suit both brown-haired women and brunettes with a darker complexion and eyes. However, brunettes with fair complexion and blue or hazel eyes should use purple, graphite and black mascaras.

Do you know that well-groomed eyelashes mean also well-groomed eyebrows?

If you don’t take care of your eyebrows – you don’t shape them, apply some make-up, then they will distract the attention from your eyes – shaggy and overgrown eyelashes will attract it instead. Eyebrows should match the shape of your face and eyes and, most importantly, they cannot meet in the middle above the bridge of the nose. They should be slightly rounded over the outer corner of the eyes. Therefore, make sure you properly determine the beginning and end of each eyebrow with an eyebrow pencil. How to do it in three steps?

  1. Place the eyebrow pencil next to the flare of the nostril so that it touches the inner corner of the eye. Draw a dot that marks the beginning of the brow.
  2. Place the pencil next to the flare of the nostril to make it touch the outer corner of the eye this time. Mark the end of the eyebrow.
  3. Finally, mark the eyebrow arch. For this purpose, the eyebrow pencil should touch the flare of the nostril. Look straight ahead and set the pencil so that it matches the outer edge of the iris. Draw a dot. Then connect all points and draw the entire eyebrows.

In order to keep your eyebrows beautiful you can apply henna or use some cosmetics. If you have some gaps in the brow, use eyebrow shadows or eyebrow pencil to fill them in. Draw each hair so that it imitates the real brows. You can apply two shades of the product to achieve a three-dimensional, hence natural, effect. If you need long-lasting results, consider applying henna. However, remember that the colour of henna should match the skin tone and the colour of hair and eyes.

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