How to take care of dry and damaged hair? Everything you need to know about hair care

Frequent colour-treating, hot styling, disease, improper care. These and many other factors can damage and weaken the hair. If you want to have beautiful and healthy hair at all times, check out what care methods to use and what cosmetics to buy.

Conditioner for damaged hair

If you want to take care of dry and damaged hair, you should start by choosing the right conditioner. The best quality cosmetic bought from a reliable brand will work best. However, before the purchase, it is worth checking the composition of the product and making sure that it meets all our needs. If you have colour-treated hair, then you should choose a conditioner designed for this particular type of hair. You can also go for the entire cosmetic series of a given brand.

Moreover, the way of using hair conditioners is also important. Always make sure to apply them regularly and according to the instructions stated on the packaging. Only thanks to using them consistently your hair will become stronger and healthier, and its appearance will change for the better in a very short period of time. What’s more, you can choose from conditioners that are the so-called leave-in ones or those that require rinsing.

Eat clean

The things you eat have a very big impact on the condition of the hair and scalp. When we supply our body with the right ingredients, we prevent the breaking, falling out and crumbling of the strands. That is why it is so important to eat properly balanced meals, rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other valuable substances. The condition of hair and scalp can also be improved by taking dietary supplements.

Go to the hairdresser’s

When it comes to the care of damaged hair, it’s not only about its condition, but also the appearance. Therefore, regular visits to the hairdresser’s are so important. In the salon, ask for trimming of damaged and split ends and a strengthening treatment. Hair should be cut even when we plan to grow it out. If we do not trim the damaged ends, they will start to break and crumble. For this purpose, a salon should, therefore, be visited once every two or three months.

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