How to Hold Back Skin Aging? Let us Shed some (Sun)Light on this Matter!

Are you already aware of the primary cause of aging skin? I’m sure that the passing time will be the answer. Of course, you’re right but how it’s possible that the time is more merciful for some people? Is it at all possible to delay skin aging processes? Of course, it is! You are not going to take back time but you can surprisingly easily shield your skin from the most powerful enemy – solar radiation. The latest studies have proven that the sunlight is responsible for nearly 90% of skin aging-related changes! Apart from UVA and UVB radiation, there is so-called IR radiation that we treat our skin to through exposing it to the blue light emitted by smartphones, tablets, tv sets, etc. If you protect your skin from radiation, you can slow down its aging even by 10 years. Check how to care for skin and what to use, as well as find out why a high-factor protective cream is a better friend than a super innovative moisturiser rich in antiaging active ingredients (still, it would be ideal if we could get both in one product).

Skin enemy – UVB radiation

This very type of solar radiation gives the skin the brown tone. This is where the benefits end… UVB is also a major factor increasing the risk of skin cancer so avoiding UVB is surely a necessity.

Without the right protection, the risk of suffering from skin cancer is extremely high. UVB damages DNA in skin cells. That’s why there’s no such thing as sunbathing for health benefits or getting some tan to increase vitamin D levels. To make things worse, UVB triggers hyperpigmentation and bothersome age spots.

Luckily, everyone is becoming careful and starts treating the sun protection seriously. In order to treat ourselves to the most effective protection from the destructive UVB, we can choose from special SPF filters and moisturisers which are enriched with SPF 15-25 – enough to save skin from irritations or sunburns.

UVB isn’t good for the skin as it increases the risk of cancer and it is the cause of unwanted hyperpigmentation. Getting rid of such spots – removing post-sun discolorations – takes even from 5 to 7 years. Still, you must remember that it is not UVB radiation that is responsible for the dramatic acceleration of aging processes. UVA radiation turns out to be the real wrongdoer.

Number one skin enemy – UVA radiation

UVA deeply penetrates skin and directly affects the collagen and elastin, breaking them and making them decline, which is the primary cause of skin aging. UVA effectively ruins the skin at its very base because it destroys the inner structures. The effects of skin degradation are not visible to the naked eye for years and then suddenly it starts deteriorating at an alarming rate. And it’s irreversible. That’s why all we can do is take preventive steps soon enough to avoid skin damage due to UV radiation by using the right protection.

Anti-UV filter is defined as PA and has three varieties: +, ++ and the strongest +++. Currently, there are also products designed for hypersensitive, fragile skin. They are marked with ++++.

Yet another skin enemy – IR radiation (infrared light)

Many negative changes are actually triggered by infrared radiation.The latest studies show that IR radiation is equally dangerous and leads to the transcription of genes like the two previous types. It has its source in the ability of IR to generate free radicals. One of the consequences of IR action is intensified expression of matrix metalloproteinase having the ability to devastate type 1 and 3 collagen as well as elastin fibers. This phenomenon is an element of the process responsible for faster skin photoaging. Simply put, IR light destroys collagen in skin and prevents its reconstruction.

The results of the action of IR radiation are linked to permanent damage of cells and the occurrence of wrinkles due to photoaging.

All in all, your moisturisers should be rich in ingredients protecting both from UVA and UVB radiation, as well as from the negative effect of IR light.

How to find the best anti-aging moisturiser?

Of course, active ingredients such as peptides, coenzyme Q10, plant stem cells, hyaluronic acid and retinol give amazing benefits but they won’t do much if you fail to ensure UV protection. And that is why while searching for antidote to aging, you should mostly make sure the product is rich in:

  • SPF 30 and upwards (SPF 50 makes perfect choice in summer)
  • high PA filter
  • ingredients protecting from IR light

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